Facebook latest redesign for brands provides ski resorts with a lot bigger space to showcase their resort in the timeline cover. Some good uses of the timeline cover include: snow reports uploaded daily, upcoming events, focus on night life or show village activities. I see a lot of creativity from ski resorts and some really cool images are popping up on Facebook.
Below are my favs and an example of what not to do.
The best use of the Facebook timeline image in the ski industry comes from Sunshine Village Ski&Snowboard Resort from Banff (Alberta) Canada. Each day they feature a new image of a fan on their Timeline under the clever name Sunshiner of the Day.
Great way to put the spotlight on guests/fans, humanize the brand and encourage visits back to the Facebook page. A bit reminiscent of the photo of the day from your regular old website, it keeps content fresh and interest high.

Posted by Milena Regos on April 5, 2012